Tuesday, February 23, 2010


I don't use persuasion much, therefore I am HORRIBLE at trying to persuade others or maybe I am horrible at persuading and therefore I refuse to try. What came first: The chicken or the egg? Sometimes, if I'm lucky, I can persuade my parents to let me go somewhere. So, persuasion isn't huge in my book.

Will persuasion ever be a skill I try to master? Probably not.

I see companies trying to persuade to use their product everywhere, especially on television. Call America stubborn, but a lot of us are just annoyed.

That's what persuasion is for a lot of people: annoying someone or tempting someone until the moment they break and do whatever the persuader was persuading them to do. Others, are actually worth listening to. Very few people can convince me to do something I wouldn't do already.

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