Thursday, October 15, 2009


"They had taken her again, gulled her again, made her the butt again. The horror of it should have been monotonous, but it was not; they had gotten her up here, up here in front of the whole school, and had repeated the shower-room scene...only the voice had said
(my god that's blood)
something too awful to be contemplated. If she opened her eyes and it was true, oh, what then? What then?" Stephen King's first published novel, Carrie, chilled my bones until I finally put the book down at page 199. The night I read Carrie was a "night to remember."

Stephen King used a different writing style than most authors. He made up articles in magazines, interviews, and quotes from books to make this story seem believable, though it was about a teenager with telekinesis. King uses crisp details very often; he has a reputation for taking up multiple pages just to describe one item. I did not encounter a multi-page description, however, I did encounter a full paragraph of description, but Carrie was only the first book King published. Another weird writing technique I caught was how King put down Carrie's thoughts in parenthesis, while he wrote the story in third person. I felt Stephen King's anger and desire for some sort of vengeance through each word of the book. He possibly has a slightly sympathetic voice (only towards Carrie) throughout the novel as well.

Though King did not introduce all of the characters with as much personality as the previous two authors, I still felt as if I can clearly picture them in my head (and, no, the images are not of Sissy Spacek, who played Carrie in the 1976 film). He did introduce Carrie, obviously the main character, very well. The strange thing was that the reader relates to the protagonist and antagonists. Most unpopular outcasts would relate to Carrie, while everyone else would relate to the other students that constantly ridicule Carrie. The characters seem realistic to me, because of their cruelty that regular teenagers possess.

I recommend this book to readers who like a good thriller and will not be easy to offend. I do warn readers that this book contains very mature content. That aside, this book is great, especially for a first published novel. Stephen King's has a very unique writing style and anyone who appreciates an eccentric writing style should read at least one of his books.

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